Recording From (Aug-Apr)
The fifth album fetures 9 brand new tracks from Phranque, Jake and Andrew,
Plus Dying Soul the first demo played by the original line up in early 2001
Capone, Gallo, Toole, Verost
Out April 13th
1 It's All In Your Mind
2 Killing Jesus
3 Family Bond
4 Float On Thru
5 The Daily Chaos
6 Lives Altered
7 Repression Till You Die
8 Sweet Candy Motion
9 Ecco
*Dying Soul

Intra Venus
Released On March 31th 2006 Anatomy's Intra Venus. The album is a bold new step for the band. The effort put forth the
forth time around is reflected in quality of the album. Intra Venus as well as all prior LP's wil be available on Itunes,
Napster, and at cdbaby.com. to name a few
1 As I Was Walking
2 Captain High
3 Pearl
4 Boobies
5 Velveteen
6 The Life And Death.....
7 Mold It Up To Pay
8 Darkest Blue
9 Never See The Stars
Mr. Cole'fax

Released March 15 of 2004 Solar Plexus looks to be the final album of Anatomy's high
school years. Initially it was thought that it would take a while to match the brilliance of Destructors, however Solar
Plexus has far surpassed it. It is more eclectic then the last. Pure pop punk shines through in the
melodic tracks Every Word and Bye Bi Stalker. The alternative Anatomical sound returns in songs such as Unaware. A few tracks reflect past heavier songs such
as Scarlet Sunlight and Seclusion. These songs are and My Worth and In My Head. In a new direction the songs Start Over, Juiced, and Pessimist
Song, are a mix between Pink Floyd
and Nirvana, it is a very interesting pieces of Music. As usual there is one song that doesnt fit the bill, that is Lonely
You Without Me, a beautiful acoustic ballad. Solar Plexus is
the bands crowning achievement.
To Order www.cdbaby.com/anatomy3
1. Bye Bi Stalker
2. My Worth
3. Pessimist
4. EveryWord
5. Start Over
6. Lonely You
Without Me
7. Unaware
8. Two & Two
9. In My
10 Juiced
Rappa Rappa Rappa

The Destructors Of Nothing
The Destructors of Nothing was released on on Feb. 22. The CD has
10 power house Anatomical songs on it yet runs substantially longer then Humans From A Distorted Planet. It is
a very different sounding album then the last. As a band there is clearly growth. The album reflects
that. Songs like "Meek" (Oi Oi Oi), "Opposable Thumb", and "You Don't Even Know" Show the punk aspect of Anatomy
where Scarlet Sunlight and Hell on Earth show a heavier side. To order go to. www.cdbaby.com/anatomy2
The Destructors Of Nothing
1 Meek
2 Scarlet Sunlight
3 Side Of The Line
4 Wondrus Thoughts
5 Hell On Earth
6 Sadness Is Pain
7 You Don't Even Know
8. Do It Again
9. Opposable Thumb
10. Go Outside
Let thee be free

Humans From a Distorted Planet LP
The Humans From A Distorted Planet LP Released on Jan 16th 2002. It is the punkyest album by far yet diversity does exist, from the
pure punk of "End" to the Grungy sound of "Seclusion" to the light poppy sound of "Oh This I Know" It is
an album that everyone can enjoy.
1 Bounty
2 Seclusion
3 The Light
4 Embo Pop
5 Psycho
6 Oh This
I Know
7 New Land
8 Smiths
Fat Fault
9 Good Die
10 Capricorn
11 End (Of
To order go to
